Friday, 3 May 2024

Imperial Knight

 Talking of Knights last time, here he is. My Knight, fully magnetised up, with interchangeable weapons for both arms, carapace weapon on other little weapon, what ever that one is called. I have just stuck on the Gatling cannon and chain sword for the pictures, other wise he looked a little funny.

The knight in all his glory.

He's quite a colourful chap really and when placed with his two companions, aka the armigers, they make quite a sight. I'm still pondering a third armiger, a shooty one this time round though, to round out the force. 

Gold details and red wires.

I've gone for a few more spot colours on this model, mostly due to its size, with some gold details and red wiring, to to break up the large expanse of dry brushed black and silver.

Really hard to see but the hatch is open to see the pilot.


The lighting is rubbish here but you can just about see the finished pilot, varnished and based. He will see zero play on the tabletop, as I don't plan on running the special character knight at all, I haven't even made up the special.weapon he gets, but I still like the model and wanted it finished.

So there is the big boy, the second largest model I own behind the Hellhammer but still in front of the Land Raider.

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