I'll start this post with a warning. I know my usual photo quality is not great but these are truly terrible, with rubbish focus, awful lighting and harsh shadows. Unfortunately it was the best I could do in the situation, maybe I'll get better shots another time and I should probably invest in a light box or similar at some point.
Secondly, after a period of lots of posts, theres going to be a relatively slow period, as were in to the middle of the school holidays and all my scheduled posts are now up and I've not had the time to write as I would normally have. Plus, we're off on the family holiday soon, which is a no phones zone! So no sitting around messing on the phone with a cuppa for two weeks!
With that out the way, the team. I haven't built a full team, just the basic 6 man one, the minimum number needed to field the kill team. I could add a couple of extra models but they would be just basic legionaries and not any specialists, as I don't have any more spare models of this type apart from bolters. I may well do this at some point but not right now.
The full team.
I have built this team with what models I had along side what rules I though would be good to play with. It's not focused on being highly competitive, mostly it's just to have a non-imperial marine team. I suspect that we will get several marine teams, I'm mostly waiting for a bespoke grey Knights, Deathwatch and scout teams.
Aspiring champion, butcher, shrivetalon
The first three models are all wearing the Eagle Knights space marine colours, albeit with some modifications and extras. These were originally from my first born army but have been repurposed for kill team. While the models aren't quite WYSIWYG, they are, I think, obvious enough for what they should be.
The leader, or aspiring champion, with his power fist and bolter is easy enough to identify, he's the only one with a power fist, plus he's got a random black and gold backpack as he originally had a jump pack and needed to swap for a normal pack and the only suitable one I could find was black, still I think it works well and marks him out a bit from the rest. The butcher is also pretty obvious, he's the only one with a bloody great big axe, so nothing else needs saying there.

The Shrivetalon however may not be quite so obvious. He comes with flensing blades and a bolt pistol and so I though that a pair of lightning claws was a pretty good substitute. Not quite sure how he's going to hold a bolt pistol, but I'm sure he'll manage some how! In the actual model range he is holding a pair of knives, so it's not really that far out. I had thought about trimming out some of the blades, maybe just leave the top two or something, but thought that would mean I would have to do a lot of repainting and couldn't be bothered.
Balefire acolyte, icon bearer, anointed
The next three units are painted in different colours, with the balefire acolyte being in generic librarian colours, the icon bearer being in Brazen hawks colours and the anointed being in Stone Dragons colours. I chose these colours as they are quite bright and a contrast to the orange of the others.
Now, one of the other reasons I painted the balefire acolyte in blue, is that he is the least obvious model. There is very little about the model that shouts either acolyte or psyker. He is also the same model as the butcher and so it would have been even less obvious as to what he was. That being said, I did chop off the axe and replace it with a sword, held in reverse to act as the fell dagger. Hopefully being painted in librarian blue will make up for the lack of psyker accessories. The next model is the Icon bearer and while not being quite as obvious as some of the models I think that he is reasonably easy to identify.

Last we have the anointed. I believe that he is fairly easy to identify, as he's supposed to have a Daemon claw and pistol, so the single lightning claws and pistol represent this well. He also happens to be carrying a bolter around with him, but we'll just have to ignore that one, as it would be a bit of work to trim it off and I don't really see the point in creating more work for myself.
All in all, a nice little team. As I mentioned earlier, I could add a couple of extra bodies here, but they would be normal legionary warriors with bolters, at least if I wanted to keep the same aesthetic. This does mean that I am lacking any heavy weapons or special weapons, especially plasma but as this is not supposed to be a highly competitive team, just a fun one to add some options to my rosters, I don't mind at all. If I do paint them up, I'll post some pictures up here of the full team again.