So, there are have been a few rumours floating around, many of which seems a bit far fetched to me, some of them more reasonable.
There are quite a few Kreig rumours, with a few of these being quite possible.
First off there is the rumour of a new plastic Marshal, which does make sense as there is no HQ section for them at the moment and as one of the newest infantry kits it makes sense.

Possible scenic base for new Marshal
I can also see Engineers being a possibility as an elite unit along side the Kasrkins and Scions, although this slot is getting very crowded. They are also an old forge world unit, so I think there is a greater possibility of it becoming plastic.
Another unit that has been rumoured is Pioneers. This is a new unit as far as I can see but it could also be a the Grenadier squad with hotshot lasguns. That would be 3 hotshot armed units though, which seems a lot. It does make sense as a dual build kit with the engineers. Alternatively, there are actually the same unit, Pioneers in a military sense are engineers, so maybe this is just the old Krieg engineers have been reimagined as Pioneers and are actually the same as the above unit.
Either way i think we will have a new Krieg kit, most likely a dual kit as well, split between the Engineers and Grenadier type of squads.
Lastly, we have the rumours for a new siege battery with a heavy mortar and Earthshaker dual kit. I assume that this is a dual kit similar to the new Cadian Field Ordnance battery. The heavy mortar and the earthshaker are iconic Krieg units but the new FOB has a Earthshaker type of unit already and there is the actual Eathshaker unit, so another similar units seems a little more than we need. I feel that we don’t need any more artillery type of units, as we have plenty of options. However, new Krieg artillery will be a big seller.
Scenic bases for new artillery units
We also have an additional rumour engine picture that we don’t seem to have any info for.

This picture to me and to many others is most likely be a flag from a command squad. Now, we have just had a new Cadian command squad and the Catachan command squad is the newest of the Catachan kits, so I don’t think that we will be getting new kits for either of these. So, I think that we are going to see a Krieg command squad kit, that will include the Marshal as part of it, the same way that the other kits contain an officer model.
Other rumours that we don’t seem to have any pictures for or limited information are some updated units and some new units.
The rattling snipers are apparently getting an updated kit, presumably in plastic. I think that it would be nice to get a new plastic kit but mostly as I think that all the metal models should be replaced by now! The main issue is the rules for ratlings are just rubbish and need a major rules overhaul to make them worthwhile actually taking.
Another updated kit is for the Regimental Advisers and also the Tech-priest Enginseer. This is supposed to be a new combined kit and I suspect, similarly to Ratlings, its to remove the old metal models from the range. The tech-priest is already plastic and fairly new, about 10 years old, so I suspect if it is included in the kit it will just be a reboxing of the current kit.
Lastly we have a new kit and this is the one that i think is most unlikely, the Elysian Drop Troops. They are supposed to be jump troops with a 12 inch move and come in squads of 5 to 20! I have two issues with this, firstly the jump pack move. I really don’t see a guard unit having a standard 12 inch move, having an auto advance mechanism yes, standard move, no. Secondly the squad size of 5 to 20 really sounds off, it will either be 5 to 10 or 10 to 20. Going 5 to 20 seems very unlikely. In addition, they seem to be armed with standard lasguns and limited special weapons, much like the Catachans. I do like the idea of a jump pack type of unit, however, I think a scion based unit is more likely.
A couple of things that don’t seem to have been mentioned at all that I would expect to see is an update to the base Catachan units, bringing them inline with the other units in terms of special weapons and also update the terrible sculpts. I would also expect to see the two Catachan characters, Harker and Straken, updated to plastic. These seem like a sensible thing to update with the new codex, keeping th Catachans with only flamers seems silly, as they have had other special weapons in the past.
The last rumour I wanted to cover here is to do with the Combat Patrol. Currently there is the Astra Militarum box, which I don’t expect to change much moving in to 10th as it’s very new but the rumours are that the new box will be Scion based. Now unless there are new models, such as the jump unit, there is very little to fill the combat patrol box to make it appealing.
In addition to all the rumours flying around there has also been the announcement of a new Krieg book, Seige of Vraks. The original book came out nearly 20 years ago and was, I believe, the introduction of the Krieg models. So having a second book announced, with a Autumn release date does suggest alongside the rumours that we may well have an Autumn release date for the codex and new models, which if the above rumours are true, are heavily Krieg influenced.
So with all the rumours and also the book release, it look like we may actually get a release this year! I am really looking forward to the new codex, if indeed it does come out towards the end of the year.