Friday 29 April 2022
Magnetising Tau
Tuesday 26 April 2022
Latest balance update
As seems fairly common at the moment, there has been a small break in postings on here. There are various reasons for this, firstly we've all been down with COVID, which put a bit of a dampener on the school holidays. Luckily none of use were badly affected, just cold like symptoms and tiredness. Secondly, and this one is entirely my fault, I've got back in to playing PUBG mobile again. This means that a lot of my free time has been taken up by messing around in games, rather than spending the time writing on here. I need to get back to writing on here more, as I have half a dozen or more posts sat in my draft folder ready to write, including my army group pictures that I said I would publish ages ago. Anyway, back to the main point of the posts, the new updates.
There have been a couple of key updates and a couple more less important by still worthwhile updates. I will note here that this is the first draft of the update and does not include the updates regarding the scions and "hammer of the Emperor". Talking of which, here it is;
Saturday 9 April 2022
Holiday plans
So with being in stuck in the house for a week or more, I decided on a plan to get my Kill Zone Octarius terrain painted up. No this plan doesn't involve me painting much, one piece of terrain as it turns out, no, the plan involves getting the small people in the house to paint them. Now, the beauty of this plan is several fold. Firstly I don't have to paint the majority of them, secondly there is no wrong way to paint the terrain, so I don't have to worry about how its painted and lastly, it's keeping the kids entertained.
We sprayed the terrain black with some cheap car spray paint, maybe not as completely as needed for main models but more than enough for basic terrain prices.
The only issue was the uneven number of terrain pieces, so I've opted to paint up the oil storage, as it's the only odd piece and only singular type of terrain.
In addition, we sprayed up two hellbrutes, one each for the kids to paint as well, again one each. The original one is for the young man and the modified one is for the young lady.
I'll post up pictures when their finished with them but I'm taking a completely hands off approach so it will be interesting to see the results. That's if blogger eventually allows me to post this, as apparently it violated the guidelines, how I'm not sure but I'll keep trying to get this posted.
Tuesday 5 April 2022
Tasks completed
So after 10 days on my “own” I have managed to get quite a few bits done, mostly the Quickshading and flocking of the remainder of my Imperial Guard forces. While this took several nights to get done, there were several dozen models to do after all, I didn’t actually take a single picture! Rather silly I know, I did mean to document my progress but once I got started I just carried on and by the time I had finished for the night I was too tired to think about taking pictures!
In addition to the guard forces I have also done the last of the completed kill teams, however I have not based them yet as I am still deciding on how to base them, either with green flock to match the rest of my models and enable them to field them as part of larger armies or base them to match my kill zones for the kill team boards. A couple of the teams are easy, as they don’t have full forces for 40k, such as the old school marine team and Gray Knights but the AdMech, Guard and Scions are a little harder to decide on.
In addition to all this and a reason for the short post this week, is that I’m confined to barracks for the next seven to ten days, alongside my ten year old and three year old. We’re not sure the three year old has Covid or not (have you tried to test a three year old) but the snotty nose and cough would suggest he does. So far my wife and daughter have escaped. While I’m not to bad, I have got zero energy to do anything and generally feel rubbish and tired all do, the small two seem to just be carrying on as usual however! There will be some proper posts soon, with pictures but this is it for now.