This post will be quite a quick one, as I don't have any pictures or even score cards for these games. I did speak to the young man about his games so have a little I can say about them all.
The first game was against Tyranids and a player well known for being quite cut throat during games, and this was true during this game. However, he was an absolute gentleman, and was giving lots of advice and encouragement during the games. There were some interesting moments in the game as well, including a saving throw needing 5+'s off 8 dice and making everyone of them including about 6 sixes. Overall it sounded like a good game, even if he was soundly beaten, he had fun, learnt a lot and it was still a good introduction to tournament play.
He next game was probably not such a great introduction. This was not down to either player but the fact that it was a game between two very new players, both having only played a handful of games between them. This means lots of rules questions and double checking, combined with both sides having infantry heavy armies, resulted in the game only getting to turn 2. Unfortunately this lead to the young man loosing, as his Necrons are slow to start and by the end of turn 2 they are only just getting on to objectives and scoring secondaries. If this game had gone further I think he had a good chance of winning, even another turn could well have turned the score sheet in his favour but we’ll never know for sure.
Two losses put him up against another player who had lost two from two, me! There is an another post already up on this game, so there is nothing else to add here.
Overall I think the young man in question had two good games and one average game (only due to lack of experience on both parts). I also think that’s the whole weekend was a positive experience and there was lots of talk about next year, but I’ll cover that in a separate post.
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