Friday, 21 February 2025

Bladeguard conversions

While I was at NI24, I picked up a number of new models, some AoS storm cast from the Skaventide box alongside some sprues of Intercessors. These sprues were the single model sprues that GW usually have in-store as part of the paint your first model thing. 

This one

So at the price they were selling them at, I picked up a bunch of them, not really knowing what for at the time. However, once home and while doing the other project, with the AoS models, an idea popped in to my head. I was going to have a number of shields and some axes and swords spare, so why not convert some of these in to Blade Guard for one of my other marine forces. So that's what I did.

Of course you can't send Blade Guard in to battle with out a Captain and Lieutenant. The Lieutenant received a shield and spear, just to make him stand out a bit. He also has a round shield rather than the more classic shield, again to make himself stand out. 

The Captain's pose is a little bit awkward, his right hand is sitting at a bit of a funny angle. I would have preferred the hammers head to be turned outwards rather than in, but then the wrist and arm just didn't fit right. It still works but isn't quite right.

The reason I went for a hammer and pistol on the Captain is that these are going to join the Emperors Disciples, and the Blade Guard are most likely going to be accompanied by Calgar and his Victrix Guard. This means that the captain may end up with the Sternguard veterans rather than the Blade Guard. Also note, both are wearing Deathwatch shoulder pads.

I built a full squad of six Blade Guard, and even though their body poses are the same, with the positioning of arms and weapons, they don't look like carbon copies of each other. 

There are three sword, two axes and a Marine throwing a grenade. The two axes and one of the swords are from the AoS kits and the other two swords are from the Grey Knights terminator kit (either that or the Strike Squads). I think the AoS swords are a lot nicer, there were only a couple of models with swords, as most had axes. 

The grenade thrower had to be modelled that way as I didn't have a suitable weapon to give him at the time. As it turned out I ould have had a spare axe.

Of the axes, only one is actually an AoS axe, the other is from a Space Wolf, it can be seen clearer in the last image (blogger is up to.its usual trick of just adding photo in a random order). One detail I do like about these models is the AoS shoulder pads, with there added details. These will work well with the Blade Guard veteran look.

The shields have been scrubbed of iconography,  and will recieve the appropriate iconography and colour of the Emperors Disciples.

I really like how these have turned out given they are just a kitbash of a free model and left over bits. Hopefully the weather will improve enough to spray them up soon, so far it's either been to cold, to wet or to windy or a combination of all three!

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