Well, this is how I spent my last shift at work, which was actually a couple of months back now, at the beginning of January. The Valkyrie had been sitting on my shelf for the last year as it was a present from my in-laws last Christmas and so I decided that it was time to get it out the box and built to a standard that I can actually play with it, even if its not likely to get any colour on it for a while longer, possibly another year at the rate that I'm going!
Here are a few WiP pictures, sorry for the quality, but u was at work and these were taken on my mobile phone.
Hull coming together
Major components complete. the tail is hanging off the desk as I'd just glued the tail sections to the body.
Front and side views of the grounded plane
and the final assembly complete
You'll notice that it isn't complete, the cockpit s missing and for the keen eye'd viewers, the top tails are missing. The cockpit has been left off to enable painting of the cockpit, as and when it gets painted, and the tails have been left off as I like it that way and I think it makes it look a little sleeker.
This is going to form the second part of the Navy contingent for the Hjaltland LI, and armed with the MRP's will compliment the Vendetta but going after infantry targets. With the new Cadian formation, a third bird may join the contingent, but I'm holding off until the new codex arrives, whenever that will be. As for colour schemes, I'm planning on doing this very different to the Vendettas blues, probably going with light greens and browns, but still keeping it different from the troops colours.
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