Following on from the last post about the Station Forge models, here is the main units, the Royal Guard Templars.
The Royal Guard Templars
The shields were a little better, although there is quite a range of mouldings, with some being very good and some being very poor, most of which found alternative uses, as shown further down the post. There is also quite a range of colours as I was testing mixes to see which one worked best. There are various suggestions out there from 25% Milliput to 75% Green Stuff, through to the opposite 75/25% mix. Through some trial and error I found that a straight 50/50 mix seems to be the best mix for what I need.
The first models are basic shield and maul combination, nothing special.
Next up are some armed with pistols and shields. These are to represent the shotpistols that the Subductors are armed with.
Next up are some models who are not armed but have various items to hand, two with icons and one with a book. This is mostly due to the fact that I only had limited mauls and pistols to use, so I had to get a little creative. Lucky the original models came with some arm options that I could use to fill the gaps
The next batch are armed with a mix of mauls and pistols but no shields. Some of the models have shields on their base, or at least a section of shields, made from parts of shields that failed to mould properly. The other arms are formed from bits from the original squad and also some from the bits box, mostly Wargames Atlantic Grognards arms.
These two models don't actually have any use in game, as the Subductors cant take any options apart from the Aquilla on the Sergeant. However, I was not going to pass up the opportunity to model a couple of guys with big flags! These will be painted up slightly differently to show the two different squads individual colours.
Lastly we have the Sergeants, or Proctor-Subductor. Both of these have a staff, that will stand for the Aquilla. One had the only decent maul that I managed to mould and even that is not great. The other carries a pistol at a slightly awkward angle.
Here are both squads together. This is hopefully going to provide quite a speed bump for any enemy units that want to get up close and personnel with my big knight. With there 4+ invulnerable save, even at T3, that should soak up quite a bit of damage before dying.
Now the weather has improved, I should be able to find a day to get these primed up and start painting them. Hopefully, they will be ready to role for the next Northern Invasion, if I get to go this year.
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