Tuesday 8 October 2024


So, a couple of weeks ago, (maybe more, I can't find the post!) I wrote about my new purchase of a display cabinet. Well, it has found a home in the corner of the front room (living room\family room, whatever you want to call it), despite not matching the rest of the wooden front room furniture. It has also gained some models.

The cabinet 


The cabinet had some built in lights but the wiring was missing from behind, so I had to find a new power unit and wire it all in. It was relatively easy to do and with some new LED bulbs, as the standard ones didn't work, despite the power pack saying they would, we have some illumination. However, it's top down and so the top level is very well lit but the lower ones less so. It's more obvious on the pictures lower in the post.

Top shelf

Top shelf is a bit of a mish mash of Sisters, Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Imperial knights, AdMech, Imperial agents and some Chaos at the back. 

Upper Middle shelf

This shelf is mostly guard, with a couple of vehicles, some rough riders and various troops, with a small contingent of Eagle Knights on the right.

Middle middle shelf

This is my son's shelf, which contains some of his Tau models, although I keep suggesting he puts some of his orks on here too. 

I've skipped the lower middle shelf as it currently contains my paint tray, and that's not very exciting.

Bottom shelf

The bottom shelf, if you can call it a shelf, contains all my rule books and codicies, plus my copy of Conquest Card game. I plan on adding to this collection at some point with some of the older codicies for ages I have, but for now that's everything.

Night time lights

As you can see, the light dies off pretty quickly, meaning the lower shelves are in complete darkness. I think in time.i will replace the over-head lights with LED strip lights that run down the sides, maybe a couple of strips each side to ensure all the models are well lit. 

 I am really liking my little display cabinet and while it only shows a small portion of my total models it's still nice to have some out on display. I will try and rotate through the models over time but I doubt it will happen very often, probably only when I paid t up new stuff I want to display.

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