Tuesday 3 September 2024

Codex: Imperial Agents

So I'm a bit behind the curve on this one, as the new codex and all the leaks are all over the internet and have been for couple of weeks now, not to mention it's up for sale.on the GW web store! I will be doing an in-depth review when I get the book, which I will be getting. 

 But what are my first impressions? Well I have trawled through the leaks, some of which are significantly better quality than others and we have now seen the points costs, so I have a pretty good idea of things, I think. And I really like the new book, yes, we have lost a lot of the kill teams, which I think was a mistake. I think that they should have kept all the primaris kill teams, they could easily have released an upgrade kit for them, they could have kept all the detachment rules the same, even kept the veterans as battle like and not the others, restricting them but still enabling them to be fielded. As it is, it doesn't affect me, I was planning on building up a heavy kill team, the Indomitor kill team, with it's gravis armoured units but now I will probably just look to build the three units separately, although they will have dropped down the priority list some what. 

In addition we got three release boxes, one for each Ordo of the Inquisition. None of the boxes are on my list though, each has elements that I like but they all.have parts that I have no need for.  

This is a good box, although I have plenty of Deathwatch vets, more than I can field, plus I already have the rouge trader and entourage. I would love a corvus blackstar and I plan on getting one some time soon. I have also recently purchased inquisitor Draxus and have my own kitbashed henchmen. So on the whole, it's only the blackstar I would want and it's cheaper on its own.

The next box has a similar issue for me. I have three chimera, so can use one of them to transport the henchmen around, which again I have my own kitbashed unit, in addition to having a kitbashed preist. I really don't like the new inquisitor model either. This leaves the assassin and the Grey Knights, both of which are on the wish list but the terminators are significantly high up the list. 

Lastly we have the Heretics boxset and this one differs slightly as there is basically nothing I need or want in this box. The henchmen, as mentioned above, I have and I have a full sister's squad already. I have recently purchased some proxy arbites for my knights list, so don't need the ones in here and Greyfax is surplus to my requirements as I have several kitbashed inquisitors of my own. The Immolator would be cool to have but the rhinos I currently have would work just as well and can take all the sisters together. So really there is nothing I need out of this box. 

So overall, while I think these boxes are really good deals and also are great for those just starting out on the Agents path, for me they are not required and I will be purchasing the three units I need separately over time. 

The box itself, while not giving Deathwatch players quite the options they are useless to, for me as an agents player it really gives me a lot more options and flavour, and I really like it. As I said at the beginning, a full review will be on here when I get the book.

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