Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Completed Kasrkin

 So these guys have actually been all painted up for some time, I just haven't had a chance to post them up here. These are my Kasrkin stand ins, made from Wargames Atlantic bulldogs. I do love the wargames Atlantic kits, just wish I had more uses for them, although I will be getting some Grognards to kitbash some DKoK infantry. 

Anyway, on to the Kasrkin. 

There are a total of 20 models here, that will be split between 2 squads. I haven't marked up the bases yet, I will do this after I have applied the quickshade. 

First up are the riflemen, there are just eight of them in total, four for each squad.

These are also the pack horses for the units, all being equipped with backpacks to carry everything the squad need to survive the fight.

Next up are the specialists, starting with the hotshot sniper rifles and hotshot volley guns. I would have liked to have fitted scopes to the long rifles to make them look like proper sniper rifles but they are still different enough to.make it clear which are the sniper rifles in the squads. The volley guns are also easy to spot in the squads.

The next two guns are a little harder to tell apart, the grenade launcher and flamers. They both have the same basic body and shape, plus, they will most likely be run in the same squad. There are a few minor differences between the two, such as the grenade magazine and the flamer guys wearing gas masks, after all you don't want all that nasty flamer fluid in your face.

These, despite how they look, are plasma guns and not plasma cannons. I would love them to have been plasma cannons, but that would have been stretching things a little. 

Lastly we have the Sergeants, complete with cup of tea. While one of them is all action, pressing forward with sword and pistol, the other is take a little more care and having a cuppa while deciding what to do next. 

The only issue I ran in to here was the bases. The models don't come with bases so I got a bunch of eBay. However, they turned out to be 3d print rather than moulded plastic and so didn't respond to plastic glue, meaning that I needed to super glue the models down. While it worked perfectly fine, I've already had to redo a couple of the bases and one of the grenadiers has had an upgrade to a proper plastic base. 

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