Friday, 29 March 2019

The Russians are coming!

Well, I had a bit of a shock the other day when I dropped in to see how the blog was ticking along! No my little blog here normally ticks along at around 2000 to 2500 views a month. Not a massive amount of views but then I don't do any advertising of the blog, other than on the Faeit212 blog roll. However, when I checked in the together day, that tally for last month stood at just under 5000, over double my usual monthly views! I was quite stunned, what had caused this surge in views, what post had captured peoples eyes and then the truth hit;

Yep, there it is in black an white, the Russian bots have been busy, passing back and forth over my little site. The shot above was for just one week, the total views for the last month, were;

I was to late to be able to see what the views from the bots were like over the 24 hour period that they were doing there thing, so I don't know if the hits came all at once or over a period of time but it looks like they were over a period of 12 hours, peaking at around 275 hits in one hour.

I guess for some blogs out there, this will be inconsequential to overall figures, but it does make quite a difference to mine. I have been meaning G to do a view numbers update as I am approaching 60,000 views on the site now, something I'm quite pleased about, ok so it's taken 4 and a half years to get there but still, I'm pleased with it.


  1. Haha! I had the same thing last month, getting about 3000 hit from Russia in a single day. Ah well, it's an nice ego boost if nothing else!

    1. It certainly is an ego boost, until you realise there just bots! Oh well....
