Helliar armoured fist Regiment

Regiment origin

Regiment Classification - Armoured regiment
Recruitment Criteria - Life indenture
Nature of Recruitment - Volunteer
Regiment Homeworld - Imperial World
Home World Predominant Terrain - Industrial

Regiment Tactical Information

Regiment Core Units - Armoured vehicles
Specialization - ranged bombardment
Loyalty Rating - loyal
Special Equipment - none
Regiment Creed - Armoured fist
Regiment Relations - Imperial Guard/PDF
Regiment Enemies - all non-imperial

The planet of Helliar is an industrial planet of low to middling technology, who's main exports are the numerous chimera based vehicles, notably chimeras, hellhounds and wyverns, in addition the more basic pattern Leman Russ tanks, such as the battle tank and demolisher patterns. In addition, the planet also produces the staple supplies for the local Imperial Guard and pdf's, such as Lasguns and pistols, and a range of basic special weapons, mainly flames and grenade launchers, as well several heavy weapons, especially missile launchers and autocannons. The planet has very little capacity for producing higher technology equipment, such as melts or plasma, but can produce a few, hand crafted pieces to to basic local designs.

As a result of this manufacturing capacity, the local defense forces and regiments raised for imperial service are very armour heavy regiments. The main regiments being the Helliar Armoured Fist Regiments. These regiments are primarily tank regiments, but also include supporting vehicles, such as hellhounds and hydras, to bolster anti-infantry and anti-aircraft capacity.

Currently, operating under the umbrella of the 256th battle group is the 12th Helliar armoured fist regiment, with the 6th squadrons 6th troop supporting the troops of the Hrossey Yeomanry's 3rd squadron.

The 6th troop is an enhanced troop, being formed of 4 Leman Russ tanks and a hellhound and is commanded by Major Turvous, astride his ancient Leman Russ Main Battle Tank. With him are three other tanks, another standard leman Russ, one punisher tank and one vanquisher tank. This gives the unit the ability to engage a wide range of targets on the battlefield. In addition to this, a standard pattern hellhound is also attached, to the troop, giving it additional close range anti-infantry ability.

In addition, the 6th troop has been joined by an additional unit of the Helliar Armoured Fist Regiment, in the form of the Emperor's Victory superheavy vehicle. This is a Hellhammer variant of the Baneblade and forms the 19th heavy troop of the 2th heavy company, 1st heavy regiment. While the factories of Helliar are capable of producing superheavy vehicles, the skill and technology involved means they can only produce one or two a year at most, some variants can take several years to produce. The Victory is commanded by Major Antoun, a veteran of many years and once commander of a young recruit name Turvous.

Although the 6th we're attachment to the 1313th yeomanry for the duration of the Hjaltland campaign, it took very little part in the fighting, instead the unit was stationed at the main base due to the difficulties in transporting and deploying in the island jungle environment. As a result the unit was charged with providing protection for the 1313th’s chimeras, which were in storage at one of the planets primary military bases. This has lead to some unhappiness within the Hellier troops and an eagerness to engage with any enemy units that present themselves, often at great risk to themselves and usually always against the plans laid out by Colonel Leith.

Updated: May '24

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