This time we'll have a look at my son's games and while he had the same win to loss ratio as me (1W-2L) he actually did better than me in then overall standings, placing towards the middle of the table (9th of 16 I believe). However, he didn't have as much fun as he had hoped, mostly due to his opponents, not the actual opponents but rather their chosen army. Before we even left, his hopes for the tournament included not loosing every game and not playing knights. Well, he won one game, the only game that he wasn't playing knights! Yep, out of three games and 16 players he played both (and only two) the imperial knights players and even though he lost both, they were both close games.
Hi first game was against one of the better players and it was the only game that went to 5 turns for all three of us. He played the game well but struggled to hold on, taking the early game and building up a lead before the knights came back in the late game and clinched the win. He opponent was very impressed and also said that this was probably the game he had to work hardest for the win.
Game two, and he was up against his only non-knight army, in the form of the Death Guard. This game.only went to turn three and he was starting to gain momentum that would probably have built a bigger lead by the end of the game. His opponent in this game was a relatively new player and it was interesting to see the young man taking the lead for once.
After the victory in game two, it was back to playing knights. This game was against my opponent in my game two but he was definitely doing better than me. It would have been interesting to see this game go the full turns, as I think he would have had a good chance of winning but unfortunately the cards weren't going in his favour.
So after three games he was sitting pretty nicely mid-table and despite playing knights twice he was in good spirits. None of the games he lost were significant losses, being only 9 and 5 points losses. Again, as with my games, most games only go to turn 3. This is probably something that we will need to work on for next year.
I think he enjoyed the day and was talking about returning next year before we had even made it back to the hotel. Although, I think he's planning on bringing his Orks next year, if he gets them ready in time.
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