The Dark Guardians are a member of the unforgiven and as before they have a page dedicated to the chapter history (HERE). You might notice that there has been a bit of a change to the colour scheme of the chapter, this is because I decided against the yellow and also, to much silver would just make them look like Grey Knights. This will be the colour scheme of the chapter and I will at some point go back and change it, probably when I update everything to primaris.
The kill team here,known as the Guardians Spear Strike Team, are a battle hardened veterans brotherhood, who have been sent forward to recover vital intelligence from a clandestine operative who may have information pertaining to the chapters ulterior motive. Formed of the most loyal and trustworthy individuals, members of the first company and others who have been entrusted with the sensitive information of past misdeeds. Like many of there brethren from across the unforgiven, these are stubborn warriors, who once upon the battlefield will not yield untill the last. (Mission - Rescue Mission, Background - Honour Guard, Quirk - Stubborn)
From left to right; Zoreal Namaat, Azkarael Zanthor, Zoreal Zanthor
First up the leadership of the strike force. The leader, Chaplain Azkarael Zanthor, an Ebullient character who delights in doing the Emperor's work. Azkarael is a veteran of many wars and many hunts, he is also a the driving force and will behind the strike force, always ready to strike down his goes with his maul. Azkarael is flanked by his two closest confidants, the two Zoreals. The two company veterans, Zoreal Namaat and Zoreal Zanthor. Namaat's hatred of the Emperor's enemies is only surpassed only by his hatred of the Xenos. Zanthor on the other hand is just happy, killing in the name of the Emperor and doesn't care who or what he is killing.
In game, Azkarael, while called Chaplain, is actually just a Veteran Sargeant and is the sole leader specialist in the roster and will be fielded whenever the team plays. The other two will usually just be fielded as Company Veterans, with no specialism. Zanthor could be fielded as a Comms specialist, due to the standard he carries but there is little need for a the comms abilities in this list.
Bethor Azdallon and Shoriel Zacahrus
Apothecary Bethor Azdallon, a very dour warrior who has been through the fires of hell and back to many times to be surprised by anything. By far the oldest of the group, he was still the last to learn of the unforgottens secrets and elicited little more than a raised eye brow and a "Anything else? No? Good, I've got more important things to do than stand around an chat" While it might not have been the answer the master's were expecting, it was not a surprise to any of them. You'll notice, there is little to identify Bethor as an Apothecary, for white or any shade like it, is worn only by the honoured brothers of the Deathwing and the chapter see no reason why apothecary's need to wear anything different to the rest of the brothers. Brother Shoriel Zacahrus is the lowest of the brothers here although he has shown much promise to the master's that he has been entrusted with knowledge beyond his years. His mysterious character has given many a deep mistrust of him and many were unsure if his loyalties could be fully trusted. In truth he has the eye and sponsor of an Interrogator chaplain and is marked for higher things, all he has to do is prove he is worthy and stay alive.
In game Bethor is a Tactical Sargeant medic specialist. While medics are not really that useful, they do have some uses plus it's very thematic to have a medic along with the force to deal with all the battle wounds. Shoriel is a basic tactical marine and is mostly there to fill points. With the next units on the table, there is not always a lot of points left and so having a cheap model to throw in a list is always useful.
Left to right; Zakeal Namaat, Nemator Zaborial, Azathor Seraphus
Next up we have the heavy hitters, the terminators of the first company or the oath sworn, as they are know within the chapter. Here we have Gunners Zakeal Namaat and Azathor Seraphus flanking brother Nemator Zaborial. Both Zakeal and Azathor both mysterious characters but in different ways. Zakeal rarely talk to anyone about anything, more often found in quiet contemplation or silently running through various weapons drills. Although his various deeds of valour are well recorded in the chapter records, he will rarely talk of them but for a few words. Azathor on the other hand talks a lot but never about himself or his deeds. He will talk of legends of old, great battles of history, tell stories of other brothers. He will keen you entertained for hours but leave you no wiser as to who he is or what he's done. Brother Nemator on the other hand is a stint faced grim and sombre character, who fight with ruthless efficiency, ever chanting the litanies of hate and death.
In game the two Gunners will usually be run as Demo (for the flamer) and heavy (for assault cannon) to make maximum use of there weapons. Brother Nemator will usually be run as a basic terminator, with no specialism, although he could use the veteran specialism to help him get further up the table quicker, to off set the slow movement of the TDA.
Ezekial Zaborial and Bethor Seraphus
The last of the strike group and the real "punch" of the force. Terminator Sargeant Ezekial Zaborial, a noble warrior who thinks nothing of throwing himself in to the line of fire to shield a fellow Guardian, trusting in his shield and armour to keep him safe from harm. Ezekial also see his duty to strike hard at the enemies command and moral and can usually be found heading straight for the highest ranking or biggest targets he can see, to smash it down with his trusty hammer. Brother Bethor Seraphus on the other hand is an ebullient character who delights in charging headlong in to the enemy, using his lightning claws to strike down the enemy, cutting swaths through the heretic and Xenos troops alike.
In games, Ezekial will be run as a terminator Sargeant and a combat specialist, while Bethor will be a basic terminator and a Zealot specialist. The reason for this is that as a Sargeant, Ezekial will get 3 attacks base plus an additional one all the time for combat, giving 4 attacks. With the thunder hammer this means he should hit around twice every time. The extra strength is not really needed, as not much is T5+ and even if they are it's still wounding on 3's. Bethor, with the twin claws, will have 3 attacks (2 base plus 1 for the claws) and with Zealot, he will be up to 4 attacks on the charge. The important bit however is the +1 strength, putting him to S5 and therefore wounding on 3's instead of 4's. These two will usually be fielded together and run up the field to smash things in combat.
The family photo.
This kill team is all about resilience and slow, methodical progress. This is an elite force without the numbers to swamp the enemy or objectives and will struggle against horde armies but only in as much as victory points. With a chunk of the day having 2+\5++ saves, most horde armies will struggle to chew through them. The army will generally be run one of two ways, shooty or smashy. The shooty version will look something like this;
Azkarael Zanthor (Leader)
Azathor Seraphus (Heavy)
Zakeal Namaat (Demo)
at 100 points - Shoriel Zacahrus
At 125 points - Zoreal Namaat
Zoreal Zanthor
There is space for another specialist here and I would probably run Shoriel or one of the Zoreals as a sniper or vet maybe, just because I have that free slot. What ever the points limit, this list works by the two terminators moving up slowly engaging the enemy while the others sit back.
The smashy list looks something like this;
Azkarael Zanthor (Leader)
Ezekial Zaborial (Combat)
Bethor Seraphus (Zealot)
Bethor Azdallon (Medic)
Plus at 125 points - Shoriel Zacahrus
Zoreal Namaat
This list is similar to the other but changes out the terminators and adds in a medic to help boost the two punchy termies so more. The list functions by the terminators and the medic running up while the others sit back and support, in a very similar fashion to the other list.
One member not listed above is Nemator Zaborial, the basic terminator. This is because he is mostly there to give me uptions, to say, drop the assault cannon or TH\SS model for him and save some points, in the case of the TH\SS, by 8 points.
Again, this is not the most potent list but is fun and something different. I do really like this list, I just need an opportunity to play it now! Next up the Grey Knights.