Friday 17 May 2024

The little ones Nercrons

 So something a little different from the last run of posts but still in a similar vein. Here are some pictures of my youngest Necron army. For his birthday he was desperate for more Necrons, so we got on EBay and found a good deal for 41 Necron warriors. 

The bulk of the warriors

Most of them are based too.

The warriors are all in decent condition and fairly well painted, although I don’t know what the heads were glued on with but it’s almost like the old Uhu epoxy glue and is horrid stuff. Several have fallen off and I’ve had to clean and re glue the heads back on. 

Disco ‘Crons

There are also some less original poses in the bunch, such as “Disco ‘Cron”.

There are also a couple of gems, such as three original looking Chaos Androids, possibly from Space Crusade. I don’t know if they are or not but they must at least be contemporaries of theirs.

Square barrels

Lastly, it seems that when there models were put together, the original modeller lost some of the parts, as a number of the green glow sticks have been replaced with sections of sprue, with very little effort to shave them down in to any sort of cylindrical shape. 

Now he has lots of troops he’s after some vehicles, so we will have to see what Santa brings!!

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Other models

 So here are the last of the models I varnished and based in the week my wife was away. These are a collection of small units and single models that didn’t fit in with the other units. 

First up are the two assassins, my Vindicare and Eversor assassins.

The Vindicare assassin has a mixed base, with some rubble and also some flock, the Eversor has a diorama base, so just the flock around the outside of the pipe(?) section. 

Next we have some old metal models, 5 Imperial Army soldiers and an old Commissar, with missing sword. These may well fid themselves as a command squad for one of my armies, other than that they are just cool old models to have in the collection. 

Next up are a pair of Tech-priest Enginseers, an old metal one and a newer plastic one.

In the background you’ll see there are 4 servitors, all of which are have been varnished and based, most likely in time for their removal from the codex. They are pretty useless these days, although they are a useful source of plasma cannons and multimeltas. 

In addition to these models I have also managed to varnish my first born Eagle Knights Rhinos and Razorbacks plus my Repulsor Executioner, although I don’t have any photos of these models at the moment.  

Friday 10 May 2024


Ok, I know I said that the next post was going to be a.bunch of random models, but I forgot this lot and now I'm being to lazy to go back and rewrite the previous post, even though it won't have actually posted by the time I write this one! Anyway, I promise the next post will actually contain a number of different models, this one however, contain my Kasrkin proxies, otherwise known as Wargames Atlantic bulldogs. 

Group photo!


Above and below are a sergeant and two plasma gunners. These two pictures highlight the issue of not having a light box. The top picture is well lit and you can see details, but the shadows are very heavy and stark, below is softer shadows but also softer details. I would love to get a nice light box for pictures but I just can't justify one, maybe one day in the dim and distant future when my Google ads revenue pays out I'll buy one (sometime around 2150 as the current rate!)

Some more contrasting photos,oh, and a cuppa tea!

That should be it for units now, just the random and single models to go next week!

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Navy breachers

We're almost through all the models that I have managed to quickshade and base. Here are the Imperial Navy Breachers. Again, only a selection, as they are basically all the same anyway. I will hope to do a full Agents of the Imperium photo shoot one day but I've a couple of units to add first. 

Some of the classic group shots to start.

One thing I do like about these models is the way the axe head stands out, just as I had hoped it would. On the battle mat, it stands out even more. 

This was quite a quick one, as there really isn't much to.say that hasn't already been said. The next post is going to be a little longer, as there are quite a few random models to go through.

Friday 3 May 2024

Imperial Knight

 Talking of Knights last time, here he is. My Knight, fully magnetised up, with interchangeable weapons for both arms, carapace weapon on other little weapon, what ever that one is called. I have just stuck on the Gatling cannon and chain sword for the pictures, other wise he looked a little funny.

The knight in all his glory.

He's quite a colourful chap really and when placed with his two companions, aka the armigers, they make quite a sight. I'm still pondering a third armiger, a shooty one this time round though, to round out the force. 

Gold details and red wires.

I've gone for a few more spot colours on this model, mostly due to its size, with some gold details and red wiring, to to break up the large expanse of dry brushed black and silver.

Really hard to see but the hatch is open to see the pilot.


The lighting is rubbish here but you can just about see the finished pilot, varnished and based. He will see zero play on the tabletop, as I don't plan on running the special character knight at all, I haven't even made up the special.weapon he gets, but I still like the model and wanted it finished.

So there is the big boy, the second largest model I own behind the Hellhammer but still in front of the Land Raider.