This post was originally titles "new Marine rumours" but it's taken me so long to get around to writing it that it's now no longer rumour but mostly fact. This is mostly down to starting a new job. As the kids are getting older, I'm finding myself moving from stay at home dad to part time working dad, with the consequence that my hobby time had greatly reduced, as there is now no time for setting up photo shoots or sitting down with a cuppa and writing a post in the mornings while the kids are all out. That will change again next year when the littlest starts school proper but for now I have to grab a few minutes here and there to write what I can (currently watching a swimming lesson!)
Anyway, little rant over, on to the main topic, shiny new Space Marines!
So with the release of the new codex we have been given a number of new units and while some of them are not of interest to me at this time, there are a couple that are very interesting. So, what he we seen released? Company hero's, terminators, terminator chaplain, brutalis dreadnought, sternguard veteran squad, desolation marines, jump pack intercessors, Captain with jump pack and (of course) a lieutenant.
There is also the standard codex and various special editions plus the new data cards as well. However, I'll come to those in a bit. Firstly the new models.
As I said above, there are a number of models that I'm not really interested in right now, that doesn't mean I won't be interested in the future, but for now, I have no plans on adding them to my forces. These models are both the terminator squad and chaplain models, the company hero's, the sternguard vets and desolation marines.
The desolation marines are the easiest to explain, they look shit. Plan and simple, they look rubbish and I don't care how good they might be, they still look crap and I don't want any. If I was going to bring anything similar, I would kit bash some primaries marines with first born missile launchers but that's a lot of work and I'm not interested in doing it.
The company hero's are the next to mention. Now, I do like these, I think they look very nice but they don't fit with the aesthetic that I have going on for my elites, namely kit bashed from AoS models. So I currently have a champion and I will look at getting the others sorted in the future but I want to have a look at the options, as I don't really want the heavy bolter. So I will wait and see what the options are and then I will built my own versions using AoS models, as there are plenty of options for conversions.
The sternguard veterans are a slightly different matter however. I do really like these guys and would like to put a squad of these in my Eagle Knights but only if I can arm them with the big flamer and combi-flamers. You know, proper old school blood angels style. This isn't something I want to do in the short term though, it's more of a longer term project, well down the current list.
The various terminators, within this release the squad and chaplain but also the librarian and captain, are models that I might be interested in at some.point in the future. My Dark Guardians are a Dark Angel successor, who currently have some bikes and jumpy boys but if I do decide to grow the force in the future then it will be terminators that will for the main part of the force, in line with the first born contingent. However, I have no plans on doing this just yet, as I have several guard models to purchase and paint plus I want to finish the eagle knights before starting any more marine projects. So you may see some terminators in a couple of years but not any time soon.
Lastly for here is the lieutenant and it's another marine lieutenant, so I don't think I need to say anymore there.
So that leaves just the jump pack intercessors, the captain with jump pack and the Brutalis dreadnought. All of which are models I want, so of.
I say sort as I don't plan on getting the proper jump intercessors but plan on converting up the 10 assault intercessors I have with 3rd party jump packs and grabbing at least 10 more assault intercessors and converting them as well, to give me 20 jump intercessors. I don't anyone will mind or notice, seeing as I don't play at any GW stores or events. I know there are some differences between the two but I really don't care enough to go and buy 4 boxes of the new models when I could convert what I have for about the price of 1 box.
The captain is a slightly different prospect, as I really do love the new model and converting one is going to be quite a bit harder due to cloak and shiny gubbins. Buying one shiny new model to add to the army is fine by me and will give the family something to buy me at Christmas, which is always useful.
Lastly we have the Brutalis dreadnought. I absolutely love this thing. I have not really liked either of the other two walkers (or three including Invictor) but this one I do like. I know there is t really much difference between them, just the weapons but I think it alters the balance of the model and this one, to me, looks the best. I will be looking to get at least 1 of these for my army, maybe even two!
So all in all not a bad release but not one I'm super excited about. There are a number of units that I may get in the future but nothing that I put in a pre-order for, one or two might make it on the my Christmas list but only if there isn't anything else I want more (like new archery kit, which I really do want!)