Last week I looked back through my resolutions from last year and commented on how badly I did with them. Well, this is a new year and a new list is requited and when I say new list, what I mean is last year's list with a couple of changes. These are not in any sort of order, so I will highlight the ones that are more important than others.
1) complete my deathwatch kill team.
This has been on the list for a year at least and I really want to get these done, however I think that these will take a while as they are quite detailed and I want to do them justice and really make the most of them. Maybe they will get done towards the end of the year.
2) paint and base terrain.
Having played a couple of small, combat patrol games with my son and his new necrons, this is definitely a priority for me. I think I will be cheating and buying some silver spray for doing some of the parts and just slapping on a few highlights and the building will be getting a coat of gray primer and then a texture coat to finish and job done. Again, with lockdown and the kids this won't be as simple as it sounds.
3) complete chaos kill team.
Kill teams in general are sort of on the back burner for the moment but not forgotten at all. I still have a plan for these guys and I intend to carry it out but it maybe towards the end of the year before they see the paint table.
4) complete marine scout kill team
Again, low on the list of priorities but they are simple to paint and I have some done already, so if infancy a change of pace at all, these maybe the go to models.
5) prime and one colour base coat primaries marines
This will be the next project on the paint table after my current one. I don't intend on getting these fully painted, just primed and single colour based, so that I can define who forms what chapter and squad. This will mean that I could use them in games without getting to confused as to who was who.
6) paint up the remainder of the Dagr Ormr Militarum Tempestus force.
On the paint table as we speak and progressing well. They are all primed, based and have their squad marking on, now they just need the rest of them painting up! This is quite a simple scheme so, in theory, shouldn't take too long to do. Hopefully, If I keep going at the speed I'm going, this project will be finished by the end of Feb!
7) get as much of the Hrossey Yeomanry primed and base coated as possible
This is also something I'm keep to do this year and will mean that I will finish all my current guard armies. These are only a few troops and it's mostly vehicles, so I really don't know how long it will take to paint up.
8) paint up Tyranid kill team
This is something I'm keen to do even though it's a kill team as these guys are really my son's models. The scheme is simple and I'm not aiming for much detail on them, just basic colours, so he's not playing with grey plastic models.
9) necrons
So with the new toys for Christmas, there are new items on the list, in this case, necrons. These will also be a simple paint job, black primer, grey/silver dry brush and then highlights in various colours depending upon units and rank.
So that's it, not to long a list but we'll see how it goes. I do have plans to add a few more bits, namely more Eisenkern Panzerjagers and some death fields cannon fodder models, both from wargames atlantic. I may also add some transport to the Dagr Ormr but that will depend on what happens with the new Guard Codex when it gets here.