So 2021 has started pretty much as 2020 ended, with most of us stuck inside for the foreseeable future, it's time to look back on 2020's hobby aims and resolutions. This time is went back over all the previous years and combined any outstanding hobby goals into a single list, with the aim of polishing off all the outstanding items. Needless to say I didn't anticipate what a year 2020 would become, nor did I anticipate several months of home schooling. This plus a toddler who's a complete night owl (like his father), my hobby time went from little to none!
Anyway I did manage a few bits here and there, so I did manage to Rick one or two boxes! Let's see how badly I did;
1) complete my deathwatch kill team.
Nope. First item on the list and I haven't touched them at all. I haven't even primed the 5 vanguard vets I built.
2) paint and base terrain.
This was supposed to be a side project, to be done while the wee one slept. However, when the wee one slept, I've been dealing with the big two. Therefore only two small bits got painted, but not based! Maybe next year?
3) complete chaos kill team.
Again, nothing got done with these guys. The plan still stands, I just haven't go started with it yet.
4) complete marine kill team.
Now this one went a little better than the rest;
a) scout team
Cleaned, primed and 3 models completed. The rest should be easy to do, as the scheme is simple and there's not a huge amount of details on the models.
b) Blood Angels
Half way through the list and we've finally got a completed item! Yes, I cheated by using some pre-painted models but it's done!
c) Dark Angels
Two in a row now, we're on a roll! Yep, the team is painted and done. Another Pat on the back for me!
d) Space Wolves
Would you believe it but we're up to three! That's right, another item ticked off the list. This team is all painted and ready as well.
5) Marneus Calgar.
And there goes that roll, crashing to a stop just as we were getting going. Calgar is still in raw grey plastic, although he is in a shiny new KR foam tray! He's also been joined by a number of new primaris brothers but more on that in anothet post.
6) paint up the remainder of the Dagr Ormr Militarum Tempestus force.
These are currently on the paint table ready and raring to go. I just have to remix the paint and hope that it's not to far off the original colour. Also, I airbrushed the first lot but will be painting this second batch, so we'll have to see how that changes things as well.
7) get as much of the Hrossey Yeomanry primed and base coated as possible.
These haven't been touched either but they will be up next after the Dagr Ormr MT force.
So maybe not as successful as I would have liked but I also have a number of other boxes ticked that aren't on this list, for most amongst this list is the completion on the Hjaltland LI. All the extra models have been painted and sorted. Also, I have built and painted a test model for my tyranids kill team. I have also purchased and build the Marines from Shadowspear, Dark Imperium and the recruit and elite started packs.
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