Friday, 26 March 2021

Eagle knight elites

Just a quick one today. In my last battle I came up against some of the new Blade guard, who were very strong and resilient. Now the proper models are either from the Indomitus crusade box or the new multipart kit, both of which are very expensive for what they are really. Yes, they are very nice models and the multipart kit has a lot of options, but they were still very expensive. In my last match, the Blade guard I faced were actually AoS Stormcast Liberators with hammers. While these did look very cool, I just didn't feel that they fitted the role properly, I think that they need some sort of bladed weapon rather than an impact weapon like a hammer. You can get the kit with swords as well but the kit is still very expensive and you'd still need to get things like helmets and packs for them. After a quick browse around the internet I found something I was happy with, easy build sequitors.

These look pretty good and they have a proper blade type weapon, one that looks sufficiently heavy to do 2 damage. The only issue is that they come in packs of three, only two of which have shields, the third having a double handles weapon.

First two built, shields scrapped clean as well.

I managed to get two sets on eBay for lass than a tenner and planned on putting together a unit of 4 and then using the other two for characters, probably a Chaplain and Judicar. However, while I was looking I came across something else, a sprue from one of the Stormcast boxsets, the Thunderstrike Brotherhood I think. 

Anyway, this lot cost me about 20 pounds in total and with that's here I reckon I can build 5 Blade Guard, Chaplain, Judicar, Blade Guard Ancient and maybe some other characters. I would love to use the bloke with wings, so I may have a look at creating a Librarian, with Wings of Sanguinius obviously. I maybe able to build more but I will have to see. 

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