Friday, 21 March 2025

Primaris marines count

 S, with the release of the new guard codex, I needed to get all my models out and see what I had and how to adapt my forces to the new codex and detachments. While I was doing this, I thought I would get all my marines out as well and make a full list of what I have and what I'm after.

Firstly my Eagle Knights. At present I have a number of models painted up and a number waiting to be painted. Painted I have a Repulsor Executioner, Company Heroes, six Blade Guard, ten Intercessors, ten Assault Intercessors, and lots of characters! Characters include two Captains, two Lieutenant, Apothacary, Chaplain, Judicar, Librarian and Blade Guard Ancient. I also have a half painted Drop Pod, six Sanguinary Guard, Jump Captain and Jump Chaplain. 

Eagle Knights

The Brazen Hawks up next and they currently only have two Gravis Captains, five Heavy Intercessors and five Hellblasters. I am hoping to get three Aggressors and Three Eradicators at some point to fill out the Gravis troop options. 

Brazen Hawks

The Emperor's Disciples are a bit of a different force to the rest of the marine armies, as they are lead by Marnus Calgar with Victrix Guard and have 5 Sternguard, a Lieutenant and an Ancient. I have six Blade Guard, a Lieutenant and a Captain on the paint table, plus a Land Raider to hold them all.  

Emperor's Disciples

Next are the Dark Guardians, with a Chaplain, Phobos Librarian, 5 Infiltrators, three Outriders and three Inceptors.  

Dark Guardians

The Stone Dragons are the full phobos force, with Phobos Captain, Phobos Lieutenant, Reiver Lieutenant, five Infiltrators, five Reivers, three Eliminators and three Suppressors. 

Stone Dragons

Space Marine Forces

In addition to all of these, I also have six more Infiltrators, two Eliminators and two Suppressors, which my sone got in a couple of Imperium magazines and has given to me as he doesn't need them anymore. That means I can build a squad of three Eliminators for the Dark Guardians and a squad of 5 Infiltrators to add to either the Stone Dragons or Dark Guardians plus two Suppressors that will get added to the Stone Dragons, although I will need another Suppressor at some point.

All in all a bit of a random collection of forces, spread across 5 chapters but I like having all the little collections of units. I don't honestly know when half of these units will ever hit the table but I have enjoyed collecting and painting them and for me that the main reason I do this hobby.  Next up we'll have a look at the guard.

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