Friday, 10 June 2022

New guard from GW

So after my last post about the leaked image, I'm following it up with the more detailed images that GW released in response to said leak. GW are getting pretty good at doing these sort of things and I think it's good, it gives us some real information and a proper look at the models.
First up we have Ursula Creed, Ursarkar Creeds daughter and Lord Castellan of Cadia in her own right. 

I'm not one hundred percent sold on this model. These are some great bits to it, with some very nice details, like the torn cloak. I really like that the model is very obviously female, even in those leaked pictures but is not some over sexualised skin tight body suit wearing femme fatale. 

And I really hate the stupid helmet (top right). I like the binocular option over the rod thing, however I wonder if the rod may give an in-game bonus, along the lines of the MT command rods. I still don't like the Cadia totem in the background. My biggest question right now is about Kell? Will we see a replacement Kell? I really hope that we do, hopefully a son or daughter of Kell, vowing to continue the family honour and defend the latest Lord Castellan Creed with they life, as their father did before them. 
Overall, I rate this model about a 8 out 10, really nice but just lacking a little something (although not sure what)
Next we have the new sentinel and I like this model as well, although there are a couple of bits on it that I'm less sure on. 

Overall this is a good looking model, an update to the old model but not so far removed that it leaves you wondering what model it's supposed to be. It looks much more "realistic" at least for a 40k model, while retaining many of the classic parts, such as the legs and rear engine. 

There are however a couple of questions for me, firstly, where is the chain sword? I really hope we can still take the chain sword, stupid as it was, it's a classic sentinel thing. Secondly, in the top photo it looks like smoke launchers, which would be nice but does that mean that the search light in the bottom picture might also get some sort of rules? Or it in just there to for when you don't want smoke launchers? Lastly, I assume that's supposed to be the new rocket pods on the bottom? I think the old ones are better if it is. 
Overall another great model and a good update to the classic. I won't be looking to pick up any of these however, as I have 3 of the original ones and don't need any more.

Lastly for this little reveal we have the new Kasrkins. These are really nice models and really capture the old models nicely. 

I think that you could easily mix and match these new models to the old models (above) with little issue. There will probably be a difference in quality or finer details but otherwise I think they will be fine. There is quite a few rumours that these guys will be in kill team as a bespoke team and if they are I will definitely be looking at getting a full teams worth of guys. 

So, overall, a very good release but one that I won't be buying much from. If the other, unseen, rumoured models are as good as these ones, then I will almost certainly be making a few purchases.

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