My past completed kill team, the Grey Knights. This means that I've got the Scouts, Tyranids, Chaos, Sisters and Deathwatch still to go!
Anyway, here are the Grey Knights. This strike force of grey knights has been drawn from both the 7th and 8th Brotherhoods. The leadership element and some specialists have been drawn from elements of the 7th brotherhood, due to there knowledge of the Inquisition. The remainder have been drawn from the 8th brotherhood and comprise of newly and recently promoted brothers.
The strike force is here at the request of the Inquisition and specifically Inquisitor Sophiana, to enact a scorched earth policy to ensure that any and all knowledge of any Chaos Rituals or demonic incursions is expunged. The Grey Knights will carry out this task by ensuring that anyone that has knowledge of such events sees the Emperor's Justice. The kill team has been gathered together for the sole purpose of expunging the knowledge of chaos from this region and will do whatever is necessary to achieve this. The squad is a bellicose lot and the youthfulness of the Brothers in the squad is shown by there eagerness and fervour with which the squad charges into combat, oaths on their breath, bolter raking the enemy and blades baying for blood.
The obligatory family photo, leaders to the front, heavier to the rear, the test in the middle.
Above: Verdan Kai and Caddon Ordan
The leaders of the force, Brotherhood Champion Verdan Kai and Justicar Caddon Ordan. Brotherhood Champion Kai has been assigned to lead this mission due to the high number of new brothers in the force. Kai is known for his wrathful anger, that drives him to seek out the greatest of does to banish back to the warp. It is this righteous anger that has driven him to become a master of his blade and a Brotherhood Champion. Justicar Ordan on the other hand is less of a master of the blade and more of a master of the mind. Ordan has a mastery of the warp that few of his battle brothers posses and has been considered for the librarius several times but has always shied away in favour of remaining within the ranks with his fellow brothers. On the battle field this psychic ability lashes out at daemons and tainted does as Ordan wills, battering the enemy before the killing blows of Ordans blades.
In game these guys are both played as Justicars and are both leader specialists. Kai is armed with a force sword and Ordan is armed with a pair of falchions.

From left to right Verdan Solor, Anval Mordrak and Drystan Cromm
Next up we have the swordsmen, with Brothers Verdan Solor and Drystan Cromm with force swords and Brother Anval Mordrak armed with a pair of Falchions. These are some of the younger members of the strike squad and are always keen and eager to show there martial prowess. Brother Verdan Solor shows an psychic ability above the average recruit and as he strides across the battlefield, waves of psychic energy radiate out to batter the minds of the heretic and unclean. Brother Anval Mordrak is one of the more fanatical members of the team, with a single mindedness towards the destruction of daemons and daemon kin alike. These is a little that will sway him from his path once he has set his mind to it. Brother Drystan Cromm is much like Mordrak but less single minded in his actions. Once on the battlefield Cromm is relentless, with an unshakable determination, unyielding to any for, no matter the size or stature.
In game either Solor or Cromm could be run as a Comms specialist, to support the Gunner heavy Specialists but they will most likely be run as normal squad members. Mordrak on the other hand will usually be run as a Zealot specialist. This is to get his strength up to allow him to get the most out of his attacks. With the falchions and the Zealot specialism he will be up to 3 attacks, which still isn't great, so help with wounding is always a good thing.
6) Garran Torvin - Marksman
9) Valdar Cromm - Methodical
7) Pelenas Torvin - Merciless (combat)
8) Drystan Thule - Fanatical (Zealot)
This group contain the some of the more specialist weapons. Brother Garran Torvin carries a halberd but it is with his storm bolter that he excels. Torvin has never been the best combat student but took to the storm bolter with easy, able to hit even the hardest targets with a marksman's skill. Brother Valdar Cromm, guardian of the warding staff, bulwark against daemons. Methodical in his every move, each one full of purpose, whether it be carving sacred runes into the dead to stop them being possessed or destroying chaotic runes carved by vile hands. Brother Pelenas Torvin is the squads heavy combat, with his thunder hammer. Pelenas is a merciless warrior, willing to do what ever it takes to ensure the safety of the galaxy and the Imperium. He has a tendency to weild his hammer with a slight reckless abandonment, placing power above accuracy. Lastly we have Brother Drystan Thule, is probably the most fanatical in his devotion to the Emperor and the duties of the Grey Knights. Thule takes the responsibility for the destruction of the Emperor enemies above all else, especially those denizens of the warp.
In games one of the two halberds will probably get run as a Zealot, that's if I don't take Mordrak and his falchions. This is because it would push there strength up to 6 (4 base, +1 for the weapon, +1 for Zealot), meaning most things are either wounding on 2's or 3's including the dreaded Death Guard and there is very little T6 stuff out there. Cromm and his warding staff will probably never get a specialism, as there is really nothing to push it to need one. This model will probably only be run for fun and if there is a lot of high AP weapons, as it does have an invulnerable save, even if it's a 5+. Torvin and his hammer on the other hand will always be a combat specialist. This is to get the extra attack, effectively doubling the number of attacks he gets. Wounding is not so much of a problem when your S8, hitting with -1 is, so doubling the attacks is a good way to help this issue.
From left to right, as always; Drako Varn, Pelenas Gerontas and Caddon Trevan
Lastly we have the heavy support. These are the few veteran Grey Knights in the force, chosen for they steadfastness and reliability to steady the newer recruits. Brother Gunner Drako Varn is a master of the Psycannon, a true marksman, able to weild his weapon with an ease and precision few others possess. He will often be seen standing back, picking off the most dangerous targets around with every shot. Gunner Pelenas Gerontas is less of a marksman and more of a physical presence on the field, never yeilding his position and on the rare occasion he will, he will withdraw slowly and steadily, step by step, firing all the while. Lastly we have Gunner Caddon Trevan. Where Trevan walks, the weak of mind fear to tread, for if they are not crushed by his psychic presence, they are burnt alive by the flames of his Incinerator.
In game, these three are Grey Knights Gunners. Varn and Gerontas, with their Psycannon and psilencer respectively, will both be run as Heavy specialists. This is due the fact that they will rarely be run together as they perform similar jobs. One is better for hordes and one better for tougher creatures but they won't really be needed in the same match. Trevan with his Incinerator will be a demolitions specialist, for obvious reasons and is likely to be run with one of the other two, if anything he is likely to be run more than the others as well.
This kill team, unlike some of the others doesn't really have distinct lists for shooting and melee. There are some more specialised options, such as the thunder hammer and switching the psilencer and Psycannon. Generally, the lists will look something like these;
Caddon Ordan (leader)
Pelenas Gerontas (heavy)
Caddon Trevan (demo)
Anval Mordrak (Zealot) or another Grey Knight
One other Grey Knight
Or for a bit more punch
Verdan Kai (leader)
Drako Varn (heavy)
Pelenas Torvin (combat)
Drystan Thule (Zealot) or another Grey Knight
One other Grey Knight
As most of the Grey Knights cost similar points, they are very interchangeable. These lists are at 100 points but to up them to 125, just adding another model brings it up. The two lists are basically formed around two models, the psilencer and Incinerator or the Psycannon and hammer, the rest, as stated, are very interchangeable depending on what your facing. Falchions and swords are great for carving through low toughness models, where as hammer and halberds are better for tougher models and with a max of 5 (at 100 points) or 6 models (at 125 points) switching models in the team around is easy.
With everything going on at the moment, it's getting hard to get any modeling done, although I'm hoping I might get some time soon, even if it's just an hour or two a week. That being said, I've started working on my next project, as well as trying to finish off an old project but more about them later!