So I’ve finally bitten the bullet and got some reinforcement for my Death Korps of Kreig. I’ve been planning this for quite a while but have been holding off until I got well down the list of painting. After spending quite a while painting and not building anything, I’ve got a bit tired of painting and lost some enthusiasm to continue, so i thought hat it was time to do something different, hence the DKoK reinforcements.
There are 21 regular DKoK soldiers plus two DKoK Marshals built.
21 regular DKoK
There is a reason for the 21 models, rather than the standard squad of 20 models. When building these models I was considering how they would fit in to the models I already had, which were originally built with Kill Team in mind. This means that I have two sgt’s but also a bolt gun equipped trooper, something you cant have in game. So I had to do a little reshuffle to get everything to fit. Hence 21 troopers as one of the original sgt’s is now a Marshall and the bolt gun wielding trooper is now a Sgt.
Two new Sgts
Talking of Sergeants, here are the two new ones. One is armed with a chain sword and one with a las pistol, meaning that there are some options as to how to field them. The one armed with the las pistol has a cybernetic are, curtesy of the AdMech, mainly the Skorpius model. Granted, if I wanted the most optimum load out, then plasma pistol and power sword are the best, but I wanted something a little different. In game I could easily just play them as plasma pistols and swords anyway.
I have also built a number of special weapons and options. These four are the special options models, with two being medics and one being a vox caster. The third could be used as a vox caster but he’s actually the demo expert from the Kill Team box.
Medic, Medic, Vox, Demo
The medic are essential for DKoK, as the ability to return models is really useful. You can only use one in a 20 man squad, but I usually run two medic models as I don’t have spare models that I can swap in and out as needed. The Vox caster is also very useful and while it stops you having two plasma guns per squad, it’s one of best way to regain CP in the Guard list. The demo pack equipped guardsman could be used as a vox caster if I wanted but really I just like the back pack and wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to model a guardsman with it.
Melta, Sniper, Flamer, Grenade and Plasma
The special weapons were some of the most fun to build as they required some kit bashing. Most of the were pretty easy to do, but a couple needed some more work.
Snipe and Flamer
The sniper and flamer were the easiest to build as they required no work at all. The sniper is pretty useless really, it doesn’t really give any advantage over a standard lasgun but it’s just a cool little thing to have in the squad. The precision can be useful occasionally. The flamer is useful as always, nothing wrong with auto hitting weapons, especially with overwatch.
Grenade, Plasma and Melta
The grenade was the easiest conversion, it basically just required a small cut in the launcher and a bit of trimming to get everything to match up nicely. This was needed as the left hand loading the shell was missing, I’m sure that it’s around somewhere, as I made a few moulds for the scions to use. The plasma was a little harder as I was missing the right arm, however, a little internet searching lead me to other arm options, I cant remember which one but cutting down one of the lasgun arms works very well and doesn’t require much work apart from trimming the pistol grip from the plasma gun. The melta was the hardest as while I could use the same trick as the plasma gun, I had already used the arms I needed for the plasma gun! In the end I managed to sort another set of arms out but the melta gun is not quite as straight as i would have liked. It’s not noticeable on the table top and so I’m not really that worried but it’s still slightly annoying.
The riflemen were all straight forward, just a simple case of glueing on the arms to the bodies. There were a few that don’t sit quite as straight as they should due to the different torso size but this is not a problem at all.
More Riflemen
There were also a few other riflemen that were a bit more characterful. These were mostly due to the fact that I was running out of two handed rifle poses. I would have built most of these anyway as I like having some different poses in the mix.
Reloading and grenade
Pointing and trench club
The pointing arm is again from the Skorpius model again. It adds another little point of interest on the models.

Next up are the Marshalls. These models are Forge World models rather than GW main models, however, there are several hints that we might see these as plastic models when we get our codex release. Either way these are almost a must bring when fielding DKoK in force. They are basically DKoK versions of the Cadian Castellan, with some very good rules. The Cult of Sacrifice rule lets you use the insane bravery stratagem for 0CP, even under the new rules, as it names the stratagem specifically. In addition, as far as i read it, you can also use the stratagem multiple times per battle, as the core one lets you use it once per battle but this ability is a once per battle, per model ability, so 3 Marshall’s means up to 4 uses of the insane bravery stratagem. The only condition is that you can only use it twice per phase. I will need to have a look at this to see if it is the case, but as far as I can tell it is. The second rule is Martial Dedication, which gives the squad a 5+ FNP, better than a command squads medics 6+ ability. Throw in a Psyker and a unit can have a 4+ invulnerable save against shooting, a 5+ armour save, a 5+ FNP save and can bring back D3 models a turn, which should make the unit pretty reliable.

These two marshals are both equipped with power weapons as standard and one has a bolt pistols.and the other a plasma pistol. The third marshal, the promoted Sgt, will also have a plasma pistol and power weapon.
You can't quite see it but the one on the right is holding a watch, I guess he's just waiting for the right time to send the new wave "over the top".
Carrying enough stuff for war.
Spare body
So with 21 troopers and two marshal's, there remains one body left. As yet he has no function but we'll wait and see what happens, maybe the new guard book will give him a role!
Wargames Atlantic Death fields Les Grognards
This box is a great value box, 24 models for around 25 pounds, (20 from my local stockists) and while they are not quite as good quality as the GW ones, for a guard army they work very well and once on the table top you'll never really notice the difference in quality.