A while ago, I mentioned I had purchased some Station Forge sculpts. The exact one that in brought were the Royal Guard Elites and Royal Guard Templars. The Templars have been converted for use as Adeptus Arbites Subductor squads but the rest were going to be used as various units in various armies wherever I could fit them in.
As you can tell the Elites were a bit of an impulse purchase, without much of a plan. I brought them as I thought they were cool models and I could use a couple of them for inquisitors and guard characters.
I had thought that I could use the first model here as a possible alternative to the Rogue Trader models, as she has a similar vibe to her. The second model is very priest like, so might make a good ministorum priest. The third model will be joining the railings, as I currently have 9 and this will enable me to field a full squad of ten or two lots of five.
The next batch of models are pretty much all psykers. I could use most of them as Inquisitors, all except the third model, which is not really Inquisitorial material. The first model is the most likely candidate for Inquisitorship, but mostly they will be painted up as Primaris Psykers.
These two were going to be destined for Master of Ordnance and Officer of the Fleet model, but with their removal from the codex, they may have to find alternative employment, probably as castellans or similar.
There is a model missing from the the line up, the top centre model from the first image. This is some sort of robotic sniper book bearer, which I wasn't very keen on anyway. The main reason it's not here though is that it broke. It arrived in one piece but slightly bent and while playing with it, to see if I could fix \ modify it, I broke it. I probably could fix or modify it but I couldn't be bothered as I had no need or reason to try.
These models are currently all waiting for the weather to improve to get primed. Hopefully this will have happened by the time your reading this post!
As for the models themselves, I am a bit split with my opinion. They are on the whole, nice models but some of them required some surgery to get all the bits to fit together properly, without some strange arm angles or positions. I am not sure if this is a fault with the original design or the prints I received. Either way it was a little disappointing. Additionally, some of the details are a bit off, not sitting quite right on the models. It's not a major issue though, as you'd have to look quite closely to see that there were issues.
Then last issue I have with these models is more due to a general issue I have with resin, rather than the models or prints themselves. I just find resin so fragile and brittle, which makes trying to modify parts or fix issues, such as the arms not fitting right, very difficult, as the resin just shatters if your not careful. GW plastic might be expensive but it's just so much better to work with and so much better quality.
However, I really do like these sculpts. They are nicely detailed and look great. The poses are good, not to static or stiff, natural in form. None of the issues take away from how these will look on the battlefield when fully painted.
I would recommend these models and the Station Forge range in general from what I have seen of them, my only issue is that you can't buy direct from them, so the final quality could vary depending upon who's printing the models.