Friday, 21 March 2025

Primaris marines count

 S, with the release of the new guard codex, I needed to get all my models out and see what I had and how to adapt my forces to the new codex and detachments. While I was doing this, I thought I would get all my marines out as well and make a full list of what I have and what I'm after.

Firstly my Eagle Knights. At present I have a number of models painted up and a number waiting to be painted. Painted I have a Repulsor Executioner, Company Heroes, six Blade Guard, ten Intercessors, ten Assault Intercessors, and lots of characters! Characters include two Captains, two Lieutenant, Apothacary, Chaplain, Judicar, Librarian and Blade Guard Ancient. I also have a half painted Drop Pod, six Sanguinary Guard, Jump Captain and Jump Chaplain. 

Eagle Knights

The Brazen Hawks up next and they currently only have two Gravis Captains, five Heavy Intercessors and five Hellblasters. I am hoping to get three Aggressors and Three Eradicators at some point to fill out the Gravis troop options. 

Brazen Hawks

The Emperor's Disciples are a bit of a different force to the rest of the marine armies, as they are lead by Marnus Calgar with Victrix Guard and have 5 Sternguard, a Lieutenant and an Ancient. I have six Blade Guard, a Lieutenant and a Captain on the paint table, plus a Land Raider to hold them all.  

Emperor's Disciples

Next are the Dark Guardians, with a Chaplain, Phobos Librarian, 5 Infiltrators, three Outriders and three Inceptors.  

Dark Guardians

The Stone Dragons are the full phobos force, with Phobos Captain, Phobos Lieutenant, Reiver Lieutenant, five Infiltrators, five Reivers, three Eliminators and three Suppressors. 

Stone Dragons

Space Marine Forces

In addition to all of these, I also have six more Infiltrators, two Eliminators and two Suppressors, which my sone got in a couple of Imperium magazines and has given to me as he doesn't need them anymore. That means I can build a squad of three Eliminators for the Dark Guardians and a squad of 5 Infiltrators to add to either the Stone Dragons or Dark Guardians plus two Suppressors that will get added to the Stone Dragons, although I will need another Suppressor at some point.

All in all a bit of a random collection of forces, spread across 5 chapters but I like having all the little collections of units. I don't honestly know when half of these units will ever hit the table but I have enjoyed collecting and painting them and for me that the main reason I do this hobby.  Next up we'll have a look at the guard.

Friday, 14 March 2025

Subductor proxies

Following on from the last post about the Station Forge models, here is the main units, the Royal Guard Templars.

The Royal Guard Templars

The templars were modelled as a sort of mixed elite troop, I'm not sure who, or even if, they are supposed to represent in the 40K universe, however, it doesn't really matter as they are being converted in to Adeptus Arbites Subductor squads for the Imperial Agents, to be attached to the Imperial Knights as household bodyguards. In order to to this, I purchased some bits off eBay, consisting of Palatine Enforcers shield, mauls and pistols. After some experimentation and attempts at making some additional mauls out of Green Stuff/Milliput mix, I gave up and purchased some Adrbites Mauls off eBay as well. I found that I couldn't get the mauls to form properly or look right, so game up after multiple failed attempts.

The shields were a little better, although there is quite a range of mouldings, with some being very good and some being very poor, most of which found alternative uses, as shown further down the post. There is also quite a range of colours as I was testing mixes to see which one worked best. There are various suggestions out there from 25% Milliput to 75% Green Stuff, through to the opposite 75/25% mix. Through some trial and error I found that a straight 50/50 mix seems to be the best mix for what I need.

The first models are basic shield and maul combination, nothing special.

Next up are some armed with pistols and shields. These are to represent the shotpistols that the Subductors are armed with. 

Next up are some models who are not armed but have various items to hand, two with icons and one with a book. This is mostly due to the fact that I only had limited mauls and pistols to use, so I had to get a little creative. Lucky the original models came with some arm options that I could use to fill the gaps

The next batch are armed with a mix of mauls and pistols but no shields. Some of the models have shields on their base, or at least a section of shields, made from parts of shields that failed to mould properly. The other arms are formed from bits from the original squad and also some from the bits box, mostly Wargames Atlantic Grognards arms. 

These two models don't actually have any use in game, as the Subductors cant take any options apart from the Aquilla on the Sergeant. However, I was not going to pass up the opportunity to model a couple of guys with big flags! These will be painted up slightly differently to show the two different squads individual colours.

Lastly we have the Sergeants, or Proctor-Subductor. Both of these have a staff, that will stand for the Aquilla. One had the only decent maul that I managed to mould and even that is not great. The other carries a pistol at a slightly awkward angle. 

Here are both squads together. This is hopefully going to provide quite a speed bump for any enemy units that want to get up close and personnel with my big knight. With there 4+ invulnerable save, even at T3, that should soak up quite a bit of damage before dying.

 Now the weather has improved, I should be able to find a day to get these primed up and start painting them. Hopefully, they will be ready to role for the next Northern Invasion, if I get to go this year.

Friday, 7 March 2025

Station Forge Models

A while ago, I mentioned I had purchased some Station Forge sculpts. The exact one that in brought were the Royal Guard Elites and Royal Guard Templars. The Templars have been converted for use as Adeptus Arbites Subductor squads but the rest were going to be used as various units in various armies wherever I could fit them in. 

As you can tell the Elites were a bit of an impulse purchase, without much of a plan. I brought them as I thought they were cool models and I could use a couple of them for inquisitors and guard characters. 

I had thought that I could use the first model here as a possible alternative to the Rogue Trader models, as she has a similar vibe to her. The second model is very priest like, so might make a good ministorum priest. The third model will be joining the railings, as I currently have 9 and this will enable me to field a full squad of ten or two lots of five.

The next batch of models are pretty much all psykers. I could use most of them as Inquisitors, all except the third model, which is not really Inquisitorial material. The first model is the most likely candidate for Inquisitorship, but mostly they will be painted up as Primaris Psykers.

These two were going to be destined for Master of Ordnance and Officer of the Fleet model, but with their removal from the codex, they may have to find alternative employment, probably as castellans or similar. 

There is a model missing from the the line up, the top centre model from the first image. This is some sort of robotic sniper book bearer, which I wasn't very keen on anyway. The main reason it's not here though is that it broke. It arrived in one piece but slightly bent and while playing with it, to see if I could fix \ modify it, I broke it. I probably could fix or modify it but I couldn't be bothered as I had no need or reason to try.

These models are currently all waiting for the weather to improve to get primed. Hopefully this will have happened by the time your reading this post!

As for the models themselves, I am a bit split with my opinion. They are on the whole, nice models but some of them required some surgery to get all the bits to fit together properly, without some strange arm angles or positions. I am not sure if this is a fault with the original design or the prints I received. Either way it was a little disappointing. Additionally, some of the details are a bit off, not sitting quite right on the models. It's not a major issue though, as you'd have to look quite closely to see that there were issues. 
Then last issue I have with these models is more due to a general issue I have with resin, rather than the models or prints themselves. I just find resin so fragile and brittle, which makes trying to modify parts or fix issues, such as the arms not fitting right, very difficult, as the resin just shatters if your not careful. GW plastic might be expensive but it's just so much better to work with and so much better quality. 
However, I really do like these sculpts. They are nicely detailed and look great. The poses are good, not to static or stiff, natural in form. None of the issues take away from how these will look on the battlefield when fully painted. 
I would recommend these models and the Station Forge range in general from what I have seen of them, my only issue is that you can't buy direct from them, so the final quality could vary depending upon who's printing the models.


Friday, 28 February 2025

Inquisitorial Agents

Next up we have some random miniatures and an Inquisitor. The first of these models are two sisters of battle, originally they were Seraphim but have been modified in to Canoness with jump packs, for no reason other than I felt like it.

The weapons uses are a AdMech power sword and a condemnor boltgun (pretending to be a bolt pistol) from the battle sisters kit and the Eviscerator is formed of two chain swords, both Blood Angels, connected together. Up close the eviscerator is slightly crooked, but it's not noticeable from a distance. 

These have actually been painted up already. Painted to match my other sisters colour scheme, with some added bling, in the form of extra gold trim. What I will use these for, I have no idea, as I will not be expanding the sisters at all, given that they now have a place in the Inquisitorial Agents codex. 

Talking of the Inquisitorial Agents codex, here is an Inquisitor, as yet unnamed. He is actually my version of Inquisitor Coteaz, as I really don't like the new model and I don't have the old one. 

He is formed of a first born space marine body with Grey Knights strike squad legs, with Scion arms, navy breacher head and AoS stormcast hammer. 

The hammer is at a bit of an odd angle, due to the hand position of the original AoS Stormcast model. I would have preferred the head to be vertical rather than horizontal but that was the only suitable hammer I could find in my bits box.

Again, this model has already been painted up, in a bronze colour. You can also see that I had a play with zenithal priming. I'm not really sure how much difference it actually made to the finished model but it was a fun experiment.

Last we have these guys, the AoS Stormcast Memorians. I have three of these guys and I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to make with them. I have built them as is and I will paint them up but aside from that I don't know what I can use them as. There may well be some token or similar that they can represent but I don't know of any of the of my head.

They are very nice models though, so it would be a shame not to use them for something. These models still need priming, so are the only ones here not now painted, as they are sitting with the rest of the models waiting for the weather to improve!