
Friday, 3 January 2025

2025 Resolutions

So 2024 has gone and 2025 is here. It hard to imagine that we're a quarter of the way in to the 21st century already! I can still remember all the commotion from the Y2K bug that was going to kill us all! Ok, maybe not kill us all but it was certainly going to cause us no end of bother. Anyway, here we are, and it's time to set some new goals for the coming year. 

Firstly, the unfinished tasks from last year;

1) Finish painting Drop Pod

2) Paint Land Raider

3) Varnish Field Ordnance Battery 

4) Quickshade Rough Riders

There was a fifth item unfinished last year, but that was varnish then first born Eagle Knights and I'm not to fussed about that one right now, so I'm not going to add it to the list for 2025. There are however a number of tasks that do need need to be added;

5) Varnish additional sisters of battle

This is just three sisters, who will join the rest of the squad to make it a legal composition.

6) Paint Subduction squads

All built and ready to prime, as soon as the weather improves. 

7) Paint Sanguinary Guard 

Again built and ready to prime, I have a colour scheme in mind for these guys to make them stand out from the rest of the army.

8) Paint Armiger Helverins

Yet another unit that was built over the winter period.

9) Paint Emperor's Disciples Blade Guard

The last unit that was built over the winter that still needs priming and painting.

10) Paint Sisters Canoness 

Thee are two models here, both have been started but need quite a bit of work to finish them off.

11-15) as above but varnish models

Ok, so I have bunched a few together here, mostly as it's all the models above that once painted need varnishing to protect them.

16) Varnish Inquisitorial Agents models

This one involves a number of models that are already painted but just need a dip in the quickshade to finish and protect them.

The next few items have been bunched together as most of the involve repeating the same process over and over again just with different models. 

17-19) Build, paint and varnish Grey Knights Terminators

Not yet purchased (although I suspect this might turn up as a late Christmas present). Either way they will need building, priming, painting and varnishing.

20-22) Build, paint and varnish Sisters Rhino

Another model that hasn’t been purchased yet, but will be in the new year, or it may wait until my birthday. Either way, I will get one of these this year for my sisters to trundle round in.

23-25) Build, paint and varnish Death Korps Engineers

These haven’t been released yet but when they are I will be looking at getting some of these. I have already spoken to the local supplier for Wargames Atlantic products to see about getting a box of the Grognards to enable me to build extra models from the bits on the box, so hopefully, I should be able to build at least two squads, maybe more with some creative thinking.

26-28) Build, paint and varnish Death Korps Artillery 

Another yet to be released. I’m hoping to be able to pick up at least two of these kits, one for the big gun and one for one of the other, rules dependent of course.

29-31) Build, paint and varnish Field Ordnance Battery 

I am looking at grabbing a couple more FOB’s from the Combat Patrol magazines, to give me all three options for them. I will get at least one to enable me to build the indirect guns but hopefully I will be able to get two and have a set of each.

32-34) Build, paint and varnish Death Korps heavy weapons squads

Out of all the new DKoK kits, this is the one I am most excited about. Again, I have spoken to the Wargames Atlantic supplier for a box of Grognards Command and Heavy Support to enable me to make extras. I should be able to build three of each weapon, although I might not bother with the lascannons. I am really looking forward to the insane flamers most of all!

35-37) Build, paint and varnish Death Korps Command Squad

Last of the death Korps, the command squad will be necessary to fill out the DKoK force. I am hoping to be able to build at least two squads, with some Grognards kit bashes, one for each of my 20 man DKoK squads. 

I think that should be all of my tasks for the next year. I am not as hopeful that will get all of these done this year, as there are some events that may make it very difficult to complete some of them in the time frame, if I manage at all but there will be more on that front in the next month or so. 

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