
Tuesday, 14 January 2025

NI24 Necrons list

The rumour mills are well and truly buzzing, humming a way with unbridled passion or rage depending upon where you sit! Personally I'm sitting in the middle at the moment, there is some good and some bad, and some very very bad (poor old scions) but, I am going to wait to give my thoughts until I have the book in hand, whenever that might be, so that I can give a full run through of everything and all my thoughts on our new codex. In the meantime, there's still plenty to share on Northern Invasion 2024!

The last army to look at is the necrons. This force was very much dictated by available models, although I have been helping to guild the boy who plays them as best I can as to which units to buy in order to form a cohesive and coherent force. The force is also very heavily character oriented, mostly to get maximum use out of the detachment ability and also because the necron seem to work best with characters buffing units, far more so than the Tau or Guard.

The list itself is fairly short but is quite complex to understand how it all goes together!

DETACHMENT: Awakened Dynasty

C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer


Hexmark Destroyer: Warlord, Enhancement: Enaegic Dermal Bond

Overlord: Resurrection orb, Voidscythe


Skorpekh Lord

Technomancer: Enhancement: Nether-realm Casket

Necron Warriors: 20x Gauss reaper

Necron Warriors: 20x Gauss flayer


Flayed Ones

Skorpekh Destroyers: 2x Plasmacyte

Canoptek Scarab Swarms

Canoptek Scarab Swarms

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers: Gauss destructor

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers: Gauss destructor

Canoptek Wraiths

Canoptek Reanimator

Canoptek Spyders

So the basic idea of the list is a slow methodical push up the board. Centre to this are the two warrior blobs move forward, one accompanied by a Lord and plasmancer with the flayers and the chronomancer with the short range reapers. These will advance up the board on to the centre objectives to take and hold them. One of the squads will also be accompanied by the  Canoptek Reanimator to boost the Reanimation protocols and boost their resilience and staying power on the objectives. Ahead of this, mainly to cause some distraction are the flayed ones, infiltrating up on to an objective early or just acting as deep strike denial. The Wraiths, along with the Technomancer, also push up early, mostly as a distraction unit. Their firepower and combat abilities have been somewhat lacking in the test games, however, their resilience has been superb. The hexmark, deathmarks, scarabs and Spyder are pretty free floating, with the hexmark and deathmarks dropping in where needed and the scarabs and Spyder being used for deep strike denial or to be generally annoying. The Lokhust heavy destroyers will stay back and hold the line, while taking pot shots at any armour or heavy infantry that decided to show themselves. While not very powerful, with only a flat 6 damage, their reliability is very good. 

That just leaves the C'Tan and the Skorpekhs. Both of these are hard hitting units that will push up with the warriors, taking out anything that decides to get two close. The C'Tan is an absolute bullet sponge, with a 4+, 4++ and 5+FNP, in addition to halving damage and Reanimation protocols. The amount of firepower needed to take him down really is something. And while your shooting him, the Skorpekhs and trundling up the board to turn you in to swiss cheese. 

Overall, I think this will be a strong list, with Reanimation protocols and stratagems\abilities meaning this army is very resilient although it is very slow, with only a couple of units moving at any speed. This means that it's not really going to come through until the late game, which may be a problem in the tournament.

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