
Tuesday, 28 January 2025

NI24 game 3

 My hope for a better match up in game three turned out to be true, mostly due to the fact I had lost two from two. As it turned out, I was up against Necrons piloted by my friends son, who we had brought down with us. I won't bother going through the army list, as there is a whole post to it. 

Needless to say I was positive about this game, it wasn't going to be easy but having played it before, I knew what I was up against and how to deal with it.

Deployment did not favour my opponent here, deploying along the short edge. He did push up his flayed ones and this helped straight off with secondaries. Unfortunately despite a good start with secondaries, they were all low scoring cards. I faired better, scoring some higher points cards. 

The wraiths showed themselves to be very fast, getting right in my lines very quickly, and then getting in to a slapfest with the Kreig, with both sides regenerating any lost wounds, keeping things in a state of equilibrium until a knight turned up to help. Not that it helped much!

The deathwatch really did well this game, being as it was the first game against xenos and them finally being able to benefit from their full rerolls!

By the end of turn three when the game ended (again!) I was in a good position. Granted my right flank was going to come.under significant pressure the next two turns, as the Nightbringer and skorpekhs would finally make combat but I held the centre and the left was just a slapfest still. 

My opponent played well, scored his cards and had a good plan going but I definitely had the edge and the numbers here. Some mistakes were made.on both sides but nothing game changing at all. 

I didn't learn much in this game that I didn't already know from our last game or from the previous two matches, and I'll do a round up of the list in another post, but what I will say is that I did have three good games and was fairly happy with how things went.

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