
Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Home alone, sort of.....

 So, coming up next week, I have a whole week at home without the wife, I'll still have the kids to look after but once they are in bed, I will be free to do as I please. Now in general I get a bit of time in the evenings a couple of nights a week to paint, so I won't be doing much painting over this period, however, what I don't get much time to do it the bits after painting, such as quickshade and flocking the bases. 

So my plan is fairly simple, I plan on cracking out the quickshade, providing it's actually still any good that is! I've got quite a few models to dip, as a number of my Hjaltland troops, Hrossey yeomanry and Dagr Ormr scions need doing, along side all my marines, although I'm not sure about the marines yet, as I did want to dip them with the light shade rather than the dark shade that I have. This mostly applies to my Eagle Knights rather that the others, due to the lighter paint job. Trouble is, I don't really have many options for getting the lighter quickshade at the moment. 

Along side my 40k forces, I also have a number of kill teams that need doing, mostly the AdMech but there are some marines, including some Eagle Knights, which will make good test subjects for the main force. 

I do have a number of vehicles that also need sealing but these will have to wait a little while longer, until the weather warms up a little more, so that I can spray them with varnish, probably GW's stuff, what ever it's called again. 

Getting the quickshade on and the bases flocked will be my main focus for the week the wife is away, with painting up models being secondary. 

If I do get time to paint, then I will focus on getting my Deathwatch painted. Not sure why I have decided that these will be next but I have. The force includes a venerable dreadnought, Libby, captain, 18 vets and 5 vanguard vets, with the possibility of making a couple of other models, including some other characters, like an apothecary and ancient but I'll have to raid the bits box to see exactly what I have.

Hopefully I'll get time to post up some images of my progress through the week.

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