
Friday, 7 August 2020

The future of my guard armies

So after going through my hopes for the guard and scions in 9th, i thought i should go through the actual armies themselves. While the next post about the Marines is a reasonable length, this will be pretty short, as there really isn't much to say!

Hjaltland Light Infantry

The Hjaltland LI are my main 40k army and my original. It hasn't changed much in the last two editions from when it came together in 6th and there is nothing within 9th that I have seen so far that will change how the army is formed or played. There will have to be a slight rejig of units as there have been a few points increases but on the whole, this will mostly likely just be dropping an infantry unit or two. 

Hrossey Yeomanry

The Yeomanry, the armoured fist of the 256th. Again, not much is going to change here. The biggest change is going to be around the load out for the vehicle secondary weapons l, as many of the LR battle tanks will be fielding flamers on their sponsors, instead of bolters as they have done in the past. This does mean that the chimera's twin flamer arrangement now makes even more sense! There have been a few points increases and with the armament changes, there will be a bit of rejigging but on the whole there will be little change.

Dagr Ormr Tempestus Scions

This is the army that will probably change the most, mainly due to some of the reserve rules and points increases. The army at present is the smallest of my guard armies, at around 1400 points and will probably be up to 1500 or so in 9th. I will have to read the updated reserve rule to figure out how much of the army can be reserved for deep strike. In addition I will need to figure out how to build this army using as few a detachments as possible now, due to the army formation rule changes. This was always run as a 2 detachment army and to really get the most out of it you need to. My only real hope is some sort of special rule allowing scions to be taken as a patrol detachment without penalty.

The main changes to the armies comes when the points drop. At 2000, 1500 and 1000 points, the armies will retain there main structure, along the 3 army lines, however at 500 points the armies will break down quite differently. At combat patrol levels the Hjaltland LI will still be as it is, a wyvern supporting infantry. The Dagr Ormr will change and drop all support elements from the PDF heavy weapons but will form there own force, maybe gaining a Valkyrie in the process. The Yeomanry will also find their forces split, with a force formed of a couple of tanks with a supporting infantry unit and company Commander to fill the required slots, the other half of the force will form into a mechanised infantry force, with infantry in chimera's, probably a vet squad or two in chimera's with a standard infantry squad for support. All this may change, depending upon the new points for the various guard units but from what I've seen the points aren't changing that much. 

Next up I'll talk about my marine lists, which as I said earlier are in for a complete overhaul with the change to primaris.