
Friday, 22 February 2019

A Slight lack of posts

Recently there has been a bit of a lack of posts on here. As I mentioned previously I have been finding it dofidiffi due to work and family commitments, however, things just got a little bit more complicated. The wife is due with our third child in a matter of days and due to some minor worries, the doctors at home have decided that we needed to be sent south to the mainland, just incase.

The decision was taken late last Friday and we were on a plane on Monday. As a result of this quick turnaround, I forgot all about packing anything 40k related or taking any pictures of what I'm working on. I have lots of ideas for posts and lots of painting to do but it's all at home, I have nothing, not even a single model or pot of paint. The other issue I'm having is that I need to sort and format a couple of posts to make them easier to read, but I don't have access to a proper computer just my phone, which makes this a lot harder to do. I might get access to a computer here at the in-laws, where were were staying for the moment, but I don't know if I will or not, as they don't really have a family computer, just the father in-laws work laptops. I don't know how long this situation will last, as it's just a waiting game for baby to decide to turn up. It shouldn't last more than 3 more weeks and then we should be home, so I can play catch-up and get blogging again properly.

I'll try and post some bits and pieces up when I can but there won't be any regular posts for  a while.


  1. No worries, dude. Family comes first.

  2. Take your time, the blog will still be here when you're back, and so will we. All the best for delivery number 3!
