
Friday, 16 February 2018

Eagle Knights Vanguard vets

This squad has had a bit of an identity crisis over the last year or so. Starting off as vanguard vets they then became a command squad, with one member switching out for a Sanguinary Novitiate, when the blood angles formations were released. With 8th edition, they turned back in to vanguard vets, loosing the Sanguinary Novitiate again and gaining back the original member, who had been briefly been a member of an assault squad. This same member then received a promotion to lieutenant, along side another member of the unit. This left the unit two short, which were then filled to bring the squad back up to a 5 man vanguard veteran squad, which is where they remain today. Within the Eagle Knights the Vanguard Vets are know as the Hawk Brethren, and this squad is designated squad Princeps.

Note that the sgt, in the middle is lacking his jump pack at the moment, this is due to his late arrival and the fact that i didn't really try the pack on him before i painted him, as the pack was already painted from its previous owner, who's now a foot slogging lieutenant. The issue is with the horns, which dont fit with the pack, so I'll have to green stuff at the back to alter how the pack joins to the body. Also, for those with shape eyes, the marine on the right of the sgt has a vary plain pack compared to the others as he is also a late addition and took the place of the marine who became a jump pack wearing lieutenant, this keeping the more ornate pack and leaving me with only the more basic packs to use, as i didn't fancy ripping one off another already painted model.

Here are the sgt, looking mean with his dual weapons. His stance is basically the only reason i chose him for the squad. The man on the right, the other new edition, was chosen for his power fist, giving the unit some extra punch and anti-armour capacity. The their member was also has an axe and forms the last of the heavy hitters in the squad. 

The twins. Yes. They are the same model, which along with the rest of the squad are from the DV box set. These are the anti-infantry specialist, with there twin claws. Where as the rest of the squad rely heavily on strength, these two rely on skill. 

So details of the packs.

This squad may seem a little odd, with a fist, two axes and two claws, as they don't seem to have a specific role but they do. They are a mopping up unit, designed specifically to support the infantry units in taking out the last few bodies in a unit or taking down the last few wounds on a big model. As they can be used for anything​, they need a wide variety of weapons. They will not support the death company marines, as they are supported by the assault marines, with the death company acting as the punch and the assault marines the bodies. With the vanguard, they tactical squads are the bodies and they are the finishing blow. With these models all being from the Dark Vengeance box set, they are pretty much all mono pose models and have only had light conversions to remove the more chaotic excesses. 

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